Tuesday, 4th of May 2021 – 6:30-8:30pm
La rencontre aura lieu en anglais sans traduction / This conference will be held in English without translation
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Virginie Sauner, associate researcher at iReMMO, teaches history-geography and geopolitics in the United States. A graduate of IRIS, she wrote a thesis entitled « ISIS in Syria: What Is Its Role in the Conflict and What Are the Geopolitical Stakes? » In this research work, she sought to understand, analyze, and explain how ISIS has contributed to making the Syrian conflict a central element in the current recomposition of the Middle East, with particular emphasis on the movement of confessionalization of regional political issues. Her article in the journal Confluences Méditerranée, « Naissance et développement de Daech dans un contexte de fragilités (2003-2014) », presents the context in which the terrorist group gradually developed, from the situation in Iraq in 2003, in the aftermath of the US-led military intervention, to the creation of the international coalition against Daesh in 2014.
Ibrahim Sadiq Malazada, associate researcher at iReMMO, holds a PhD in Sociology from Brunel University London. Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR), Coventry University, he is on the editorial board of the Journal of Middle Eastern Research (JMER). He has been a Professor of Sociology at Soran University since 2013, and his research focuses on notions of nation-building, religion and genocide. He is currently involved in projects related to Islamism and violence in Iraqi society. In parallel to his academic career, he has worked in various Iraqi newspapers and television stations, in Iraq and in Europe. He has also advised several humanitarian organisations in the Middle East and Europe on social integration and intercultural relations.
Moderation: Sarah Anne Rennick, Deputy Director at the Arab Reform Initiative. Her research focuses on Arab social movements, and in particular youth and revolutionary movements, as well as conflict resolution and peacebuilding strategies in the region.