Home » Dans les médias » L’éventuel retour des États-Unis dans l’accord nucléaire iranien – avec Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, président de l’iReMMO

L’éventuel retour des États-Unis dans l’accord nucléaire iranien – avec Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, président de l’iReMMO





Syria : the limits of external influence

Barah Mikaïl, 14 juin 2011
When the winds of change started blowing through the Middle East in December 2010, analysts were quick to predict that Syria would not succumb to the wave of popular protests. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed that his country was exempt from the factors driving other protests. Yet contrary to most predictions, the Syrian population has voiced it desire for change. The potential for farreaching reform now exists. While the EU must stand ready to help, however, it is unlikely to play a primary role in ushering in political liberalisation. This is because of the structural nature of the Syrian regime, the country’s place in the regional context and ongoing difficulties in Libya. The EU reaction to Syria’s protests has been ad hoc and uncertain, and European governments could certainly do more. But Syria may show the limits to what kind of impact can be expected of European support for democratic reform.

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